1) What
drives change (specifically, diversification) of activities in the
agricultural sector (including crop systems, aquaculture and livestock),
and what is diversification's role in sustainability and vulnerability
to change?
The Yaqui
Basin is undergoing rapid development in terms of changing cropping
systems, increasing use of agricultural inputs, increasing livestock
operations, and increasing aquaculture development. We are aware
that these changes are occurring; however, we have not yet identified
all of the major factors driving the changes, the extent of and
reasons for variability of the response capability among landowners
and other stakeholders, or the potential environmental consequences
of these changes.
to these questions will give us insight into decision making and
sustainability of agriculture in the Valley, and an increased ability
to suggest appropriate trajectories for the future. Importantly,
they will also allow us to examine a broader hypothesis concerning
one of the most important unanswered questions in sustainability
science - what determines the vulnerability of the system to external
forces, and how can systems be managed to reduce vulnerability and
increase sustainability?
Vulnerability and
Response. We hypothesize that the ability of land owners to
respond to changes in external forcings (e.g., drought, global market
changes) will differ across the region; those who respond successfully
by diversifying practices require both social/economic and natural
capital. For example, the ability of farmers to respond to drought
by changing crops or diversifying into other activities may be equally
dependent on the biophysical nature of the land (e.g., salinity
and productivity of soils) as on the individual's economic wealth
or access to credit or land.
We will use a combination
of surveys and remote sensing analysis to determine Valley-wide
current and past agricultural practice, and the location and timing
of development of livestock operations and aquaculture. Such information
will be overlaid on our geographically-based information on soil
type and salinity characteristics, land ownership, surface and groundwater
characteristics, and other information. Using this information base,
we will design surveys to evaluate agricultural change in the context
of variation in resources, land ownership, and relative economic
wealth. We also will evaluate the effects of these changes in fertilizer
and manure use, salinity, and crop types on biogeochemistry, emissions
of environmentally-critical gases, solution losses of nutrients
from the landscape, and their consequences for water quality and
ecosystem health.
Policy Environments.
We will also ask questions about the importance of external policies
in driving agricultural change. What are the effects of macro and
agricultural policy changes in the Yaqui Basin on the type of agriculture
that is developed, and what are the consequent effects on incomes
and the environment? For example, with the opening of borders, will
the livestock economy change? Will the new price ratios in Mexico,
and possibly tougher environmental regulations in the US, cause
the pork industry to move South? If so, how might environmental
quality of the Valley be affected? What is the relative importance
of price supports and changes in them on the decision making regarding
use of inputs and types of crops?
Research on policies
and their effectiveness is critical as we seek to develop decision
rules and advocate policy changes that move the Valley toward sustainability.
We will also draw lessons - both positive and negative - from the
adjoining Hermosillo Valley. The latter region succeeded in moving
into demand-driven, high-valued crops, but with devastating consequences
for the groundwater system. This portion of the research will require
much greater understanding of the institutional requirements that
govern sales and contracts, especially for those products destined
to niche markets in the US. Meeting with various kinds of brokers
in cities like Nogales, therefore, will also be an important dimension
of the research design.
Fertilizer. Our
past research has indicated that win-win solutions are possible
in the Valley - that farmers could reduce fertilizer applications
and save money, while at the same time reducing off-site environmental
effects. Unfortunately, recent surveys suggest reductions in fertilizer
use have not occurred (Naylor and Falcon, unpublished data). What
drives the continued use of high levels of fertilizer inputs, despite
price signals and technological alternatives? What is the role of
the bank/credit sector in decision making? Can management indicators
(e.g., for residual soil N or plant N) that provide information
about crop needs for N be developed, and will the availability of
such indicators actually result in changes in farmers' decisions
and selection of more sustainable practices?
We will use a combination
of interviews and surveys of farmers, creditors, fertilizer industry
representatives, and consultants and extension agents, as well as
analysis of loan requirements and other documents to determine the
direction and quality of information flow about fertilizer use.
We will also continue our field studies of indicators of fertility
and residual N, and the degree to which they can and will be adapted
by farmers in their decision-making process.
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